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How to End an Essay for College

How to end an essay for college? The end of an essay should promote advanced discussion. The ending unites the main argument and closing statement.

How to end an essay for college? The conclusion of an essay is essential for restating the major argument and opening the additional discussion. The end crowns the main argument by means of good conclusion.

Succinctly reiterate the main idea. Those who know how to end an essay for college, render laconically the essential argument adducing evidence of their efforts.

Expose the major argument beautifying it with source quotations and relating the argument to generalizing thoughts and ideas.

Connect the central concept to the context.

Put the matter for further investigation and further discussion.

Link the last paragraph to the first one restating words or phrases used at the start of the work.

Finish with simple language to produce a dramatic effect.

Create balance and order with compound or parallel sentences.


  • Be attached to the main argument reiterating the main ideas.
  • Do not use such expressions as "In summary" "In conclusion" "To sum up" "To conclude".

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